The modern-day office needs to be flexible enough to adapt to change: be it flexibility in the number of us there are in the office, how we interact and work together or where we work, alone or in teams. Our furniture should be capable of accommodating this change. Dynamobel presents T-Box, a modular storage system. Using a basic dimension of 80x40x40 cm we can almost create an infinite number of configurations. Modules are available in four versions, open, retractable door, file drawer and combi drawer, stacking up to four high. Once built, the units show no visible joints, justa clean, seamless appearance.
The conventional filing system is resolved, generally, with individual structures, whose dimensions vary depending on the necessities of the user. T-Box breaks away from this concept and solves the storage requirements using a stackable module system. The four configuration versions of the module allow for the creation of a made-to-measure set-up with different functions within the same configuration.
T-Box can bring colour to the working environment. Drawer fronts and retractable doors come in different colours or match the body of the module. The programme provides a flexible solution for all corporate needs.
In some company departments, file management is fundamental. Easy access to documentation and scalable filing capacity ensure successful management. No more than four freestanding T-box modules should be stacked one on top of another.
When the modules are flush-mounted or fitted up against a wall, then more than four units can be stacked on top of each other, provided they are secured to the wall or another structural element.
With stackable modules, you are free to configure as you wish. T-Box stacks up to four high- back-to-back configurations can be used in shared spaces. T-Box allows you to place the modules facing each other, an option that makes it possible to work on both sides of the configuration.
The programme allows you to construct different configurations using the same pieces. Due to their simple construction, the modules are very easy to reconfigure and reposition.
With its clean simple lines, the aesthetic of the T-Box range is designed to compliment any office environment. The fronts and shared tops on T-Box modules can be supplied in wood finishes, allowing them to blend in easily in modern management environments.