Meeting House and Vis a Vis arrive to UK

In the context of Clerkenwell Design Week 2024, in the London neighbourhood of the same name, we have updated our showroom with our new launches: Meeting House and Vis a Vis. 

Two solutions for open and sustainable office spaces. Located in the heart of Clerkenwell, 5 minutes walk from Farringdon St, this space now boasts both new products: unique in design, quality and functionality.

“It was a very busy three days with lots of interest, great feedback and meetings, our unique design ideas along with quality and value seemed to shine through this week until the last day!”, so said Martin Bignell, Dynamobel’s Country Manager for UK and Ireland.

This is an opportunity that we have taken to showcase two of our most outstanding sustainable office solutions in greater depth. Two products that also meet the commitment that we defend at Dynamobel, in favour of the future of the planet and care for the environment.

After the Meeting House and Vis a Vis implementation in the UK, we have enjoyed the Design Week from the British capital, with great enthusiasm and desire to continue with our internationalisation process, as well as to strengthen our presence in this country.