Announcement regarding the Royal Decree-Law
Since the outset of the exceptional worldwide situation caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Dynamobel has implemented a range of measures to ensure the safety of its employees, putting into place rigorous preventive controls and health measures; supporting its customers, studying each order in an unprecedented fashion; and doing its bit to help out, prioritising the manufacture of medical supplies and furniture for health centres, hospitals and other care facilities for delivery nationwide.
As a result of the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2020, passed at the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers held on 29 March, bringing all non-essential activity to a halt in order to curb the health emergency, we inform you that in due compliance our production unit will be closed for the legally established period and, therefore, manufacturing and assembly at Dynamobel have been temporarily suspended.
We would also like to inform you that in the meantime the company’s other divisions, which were already working from home, remain operational and our sales, administration and technical teams are at your full disposal to deal with any queries you may have.
Finally, we wish to thank you for your cooperation and understanding at such a difficult time for everyone. Together we will overcome this situation and will soon be back, stronger and keener than ever.
See you soon,
Best wishes and we will keep you informed.
# TogetherWeWillBeatThisVirus